Do You Really Do That? How? An Open, Expert Panel Discussion on Palliative Care in the ED and ICU in the Era of COVID - Recorded Webinar
How do you communicate effectively with families over the phone? Over FaceTime etc? How do you navigate wishes made before COVID with the new context of COVID? What is the best recommendation for safety vs family connection for visitation for COVID patients at the end of life? How do you approach palliative care in crisis care situations? Bring your questions and thoughts!

You must be a CCMS-AAEM member or a member of the Palliative Care Interest Group to enroll in this activity. 


Apply to the Palliative Care Interest Group: 
Do You Really Do That? How? An Open, Expert Panel Discussion on Palliative Care in the ED and ICU in the Era of COVID - Live Webinar
How do you communicate effectively with families over the phone? Over FaceTime etc? How do you navigate wishes made before COVID with the new context of COVID? What is the best recommendation for safety vs family connection for visitation for COVID patients at the end of life? How do you approach palliative care in crisis care situations? Bring your questions and thoughts!

You must be a CCMS-AAEM member or a member of the Palliative Care Interest Group to enroll in this activity. 


Apply to the Palliative Care Interest Group: 
Any Fluid You Can Give, I Can Give Better: Fluid Resuscitation Strategies We Actually Do - Recorded Webinar

There are studies that suggest one approach to fluid resuscitation is better than another, and then there are practical realities, especially since every study has its limitations. Do you try 500cc and see if it helps? Ultrasound the lungs and the IVC or just the lungs? Use the CHEETAH? Use the passive leg raise? Use absolute CVP? We’ll discuss the best evidence within the constraints of real-world practice.